Across The Universe

1960s Counter Culture

Decades TV Network. (2016, February 15). Hippies Change a Generation - Decades TV Network [Video File]. Retrieved from

1960s Counter Culture

Anti War Protests 1960s

King Rose Archives. (2013, April 1). Anti Vietnam War Protest - [Video File]. Retrieved from

Anti War Protests

The Vietnam War - Links

Vietnam War

Buss, J. Ewig, J. Morrison, S. (Producers). (2014). 'The War in Vietnam" [Television Series Episode]. In J Buss, J Ewig, S Morrison (Producers), The Sixties US:CNN

The Beatles

Clyde, J. (Producer). Smeaton, B. (Director). (2009). The Beatles on The Record [Television Broadcast]. UK:BBC

The Beatles Links

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