High Noon

Korean War 3 min history

Jabzy, (2016, October 2). Korean War | 3 Minute History. [Video file}. Retrieved from

Korean War

A History of the Korean War

Hein, A. (2012, Mar 26).  A History Of The Korean War. [Video file]. Retrieved from

TED ED McCarthyism

Ted-Ed. (2017, March 14).What is McCarthyism? And how did it happen? - Ellen Schrecker. [Video file] Retrieved from

Blacklist - McCarthyism

Hunting the Communists - Joseph McCarthy

It's History.(2015, July 4).Hunting the Communists! - Joseph McCarthy l THE COLD WAR. [Video file]. Retrieved from

The Cold War: CrashCourse

Crash Course. (2013, November 8).The Cold War: Crash Course US History #37. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Cold War

Cold War - In 9 Minutes

Ruddy, J. (2014, November 10). Cold War in 9 Minutes.[Video file]. Retrieved from

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