William Shakespeare's Life and TImes documentary
1091 Pictures. (2006). Where There's a Will; The Life and Times of William Shakespeare. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qafnuBH8KPs
- Internet Shakespeare Edition. (2011, January 4). Shakespeare's life and times. Retrieved from http://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Library/SLT/intro/index.htmlShakespeare's Life and Times introduces you to the world Shakespeare lived and worked in. This section of the Internet Shakespeare Editions is like a shelf of books, each of which is listed in the navigational bar beneath the page header. Each book, in turn, is divided into chapters dealing with related topics.
- AbsoluteShakespeare.com. (n.d.). William Shakespeare. http://absoluteshakespeare.com/William Shakespeare Shakespeare is renowned as the English playwright and poet whose body of works is considered the greatest in history of English literature.
- Maker, D. (n.d.). Romeo and Juliet historical context. https://shakespearestudy.wordpress.com/plays/romeo-and-juliet-historical-context/This article introduces the historical context of Romeo and Juliet and explores how the play could have been a warning to Queen Elizabeth.
- Minter, J. (n.d.). Romeo and Juliet is as much a story of hate as it is of love. http://www.englishworks.com.au/romeo-juliet/A text response to Romeo and Juliet on love and hate by Dr Jennifer Minter.
- Weinberger, J. (2003). Pious princes and red-hot lovers: the politics of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The Journal of Politics, 65(2), 350–375. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1111/1468-2508.t01-2-00004Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is obviously a tragedy of impetuous young love. But it is also a play about politics, especially politics as conditioned by Christian morality and religion.
- Mainar, L. M. G. (1998). Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", and male melodrama. Atlantis, 20(2), 27–42. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41055511This essay explores the ways in which the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ deals with sexuality and social and textual elaboration.
- Siegel, P. N.. (1961). Christianity and the religion of love in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare Quarterly, 12(4), 371–392. https://www.jstor.org/stable/2867455The long established traditional interpretation of Romeo and Juliet is that it is a drama of fete or sheer misfortune in which the lovers are not responsible for the catastrophe they suffer. Recently, however, a number of scholars have argued that the Elizabethans , with their Christian background of thought, would have regarded the lovers as guilty sinner rather than innocent victims.
- BBC Bitesize. (1998). Romeo and Juliet http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english_literature/dramaromeojuliet/The information covered in this guide includes an introduction to the story and the author; a plot summary; descriptions of important characters, themes, dramatic effect and language.
- Shmoop Editorial Team. (2008, November 11). Romeo and Juliet. https://www.shmoop.com/study-guides/romeo-and-juliet/Struggling with William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? Shmoop offer a thorough summary and analysis of this literary masterpiece.
- Nebo Literature.(n.d.). Language of Romeo and Juliet. https://nebo-lit.com/drama/romeo-juliet/Language-Romeo-and-Juliet.htmlNebo Literature offers an easy to read analysis of Romeo and Juliet including: introduction, techniques, language and close Reading
Study Guide
- Moore, A. (2000). Studying Romeo and Juliet. http://www.universalteacher.org.uk/shakespeare/romeoandjuliet.htm#1Scroll to the top of the page for a general interest study guide for students of Romeo and Juliet.
- AboutShakespeare.com. (n.d.). Romeo and Juliet. http://absoluteshakespeare.com/plays/romeo_and_juliet/romeo_and_juliet.htmThis website contains a study guide for Romeo and Juliet including the plays, summaries and essays.
- Kromer, A. (n.d.). Romeo and Juliet. https://images.penguinrandomhouse.com/promo_image/9780451526861_5155.pdfA study guide to the Signet Classic Edition of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
- CliffNotes.com. (n.d.). Romeo and Juliet. http://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/r/romeo-and-juliet/about-romeo-and-julietCliffsNotes literature guide for Romeo and Juliet.
- Florman, B., & Kestler. J, (LitCharts Editors). (2016). LitChart on Romeo and Juliet. Retrieved March 8, 2016 from http://www.litcharts.com/lit/romeo-and-julietThis LitChart study guide for Romeo and Juliet includes a detailed summary and analysis, themes, characters, symbols and quotes.