A scene from the movie version of Persepolis (2:29)
Accessed at
Chaney, M. (2011). TEDx Dartmouth. How to Read a Graphic Novel. Accessed at on 18 June, 2015.
Content Analysis
- Kidder, O. (2013). Stills and Moves: The Two Texts of Persepolis. Retrieved from on 18 June, 2015.Academic essay: "I’ll start with movement. Satrapi’s book contains a series of related images that I want tolook at. I use the word “series” in Thierry Groensteen’s spatio-topical sense: panels that call outto each other even though they are separated by huge amounts of space within the book. They’re recognisable by their visual design—panel shape, composition, colour—or by their position on the page."
- Collation. Multiple sources (2011). The Graphic Novel: Satrapisms- A Look at Persepolis. Retrieved from on 18 June, 2015Good page with several different references and commentary on Persepolis.