Frankenstein: The Play


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - Context and Background

Influenced and educated by her parents, Frankenstein’s author, Mary Shelley, grew up in a world of radical artists and writers. Her immortal novel explores various themes of early 19th century Romanticism. This clip looks at Mary Shelley’s background and major influences on her thinking and writing, giving students of English literature a broader understanding of the nature and significance of this notable work.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - Context and Background. (2019). ClickView.

The real experiments that inspired Frankenstein - YouTube

Vox. (2019). The real experiments that inspired Frankenstein. In YouTube.

‘Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley: context and summary

This video covers the novel's context as well as a summary of the plot. Make sure you come back for part two – which summarises the novel’s main characters, themes and symbols.

First Rate Tutors. (2019, March 14). “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley: context and summary (1/2) *REVISION GUIDE* | Narrator: Barbara Njau. YouTube.


Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - Frankenstein and the Monster

When Victor Frankenstein created his monster he never named it, yet its complex personality and struggle for identity and acceptance provides a profound insight to the human condition. This clip examines the troubled relationship between Frankenstein and the monster, and the role of other characters in the novel, including William, Dr Clerval, Elizabeth, and Captain Walton.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - Frankenstein and the Monster. (n.d.). ClickView. Retrieved August 1, 2024, from

Writing Style

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - Writing Style

In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley employs writing styles reflective of early 19th century literature. This clip explores a range of those styles, including using a series of letters to develop a narrative, structuring a narrative concentrically, and the inclusion of Gothic elements like horror, suspense, and poetic descriptions of wild, remote settings.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - Writing Style. (2019). ClickView.


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - The Pursuit of Knowledge

Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein delves into a range of themes, which were particularly popular among 19th century Romantics, and which have been perennial favourites of numerous writers since. This clip highlights some of those themes, including the pursuit of knowledge and the responsibility involved with acquiring it, what makes us human, and the power of nature.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - The Pursuit of Knowledge. (2019). ClickView.


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