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- Britannica Schools This link opens in a new windowBritannica School covers the core subject areas of English, Maths, Science and History. Interactive lessons, activities, games, stories, worksheets, manipulatives, study guides and research tools.
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- Sequence
- Golden ratio
- Leonardo of Pisa
- Pingala
- Hemachandra
What is the Fibonacci Sequence?
Fibonacci Sequence Links
- Ghose, Tia. (2018). What is the Fibonacci sequence?[The Fibonacci sequence has] been called "nature's secret code," and "nature's universal rule." It is said to govern the dimensions of everything from the Great Pyramid at Giza, to the iconic seashell that likely graced the cover of your school math textbook. And odds are, almost everything you know about it is wrong.
- Guruprasad. (no date). How Fibonacci number series originated in Ancient India. very interesting article about how the Fibonacci sequence was described by Pingala in India over 2500 years ago.
- Kuepper, Justin. (2021). Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio. is a unique ratio that can be used to describe the proportions of everything from nature's smallest building blocks, such as atoms, to the most advanced patterns in the universe, like the unimaginably large celestial bodies.
- Landau, Elizabeth. (2020). The Fibonacci sequence is everywhere - even the troubled stockmarket. curious set of numbers shows up in nature and also in human activities.
- Parmanand Singh. (1985). The so-called fibonacci numbers in ancient and medieval India. Historia Mathematica, 12(3), 229-244. in-depth article about the origins of the "Fibonacci" sequence.
- Reich, Dan. (no date). The Fibonacci sequence, spirals and the golden mean. in-depth look at the Fibonacci Sequence, with pictures.