The Final Quarter
Documentary Form


BBC Fresh. (2013, October 10). BBC Fresh: What is a Documentary? [Video file]. Retrieved June 13, 2015, from YouTube:

Modes of Documentary Films


Lecturing, overtly didactic, e.g. with a personal presenter or an explanatory voice-over.

(Examples: Spellbound, Why We Fight)


Like a "fly on the wall," the camera, microphone and film crew seem not to be disturbing the scene or even to be noticed by the participants.

(Examples: Armadillo, 9/11, Don't Look Back)


The film crew takes part in the action or chain of events.

(Examples: Bowling for Columbine, Exit Through the Gift Shop)


The film exposes and discusses its own role as a film (e.g. the ethics or conditions of filmmaking) alongside the treatment of the case or subject.

(Examples: Man With a Movie Camera, Bontoc Eulogy)


The film crew creates many of the events and situations to be filmed by their own intervention or through events carried out for the sake of the film.

(Examples: Super Size Me, Kurt & Courtney)


The aesthetic aspects, the qualities of the form and the sensual appeals are predominant.

(Examples: Night and Fog, Rain, Sans Soleil)


Source: Juel, H. (2006). Defining Documentary Film. Retrieved June 13, 2015, from P.O.V.:

Origins of Documentary Film

Reflexive Documentaries

Expository Documentaries

Observational Documentaries

Participatory Documentaries

Poetic Documentaries


NB: Originally a silent film

Unvittorionellafolla. (2012). Joris Ivens - Regen [Video file]. Retrieved from

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