The Hate U Give

Code Switching

 Netflix. (2018, May 18). What Had Happened Was | Episode 2: Code Switching | Netflix [Video File]. Retrieved from

Satirizing Code Switching in Film

Newsy. (2018, July 6). Satirizing 'code-switching' on screen [Video File]. Retrieved from


Civil Rights Movement



Black Codes

Police brutality

Tupac Shakur

Raymond P. (2017, February 3). Tupac interview at 17 years old-1988 [Video File]. Retrieved from

Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur Interview

Hip Hop Interview. (1994). 2Pac - BET Interview with Ed Gordon [video]. Retrieved 5 October 2020 from

Oscar Grant

Rodney King and LA Riots

PBS Newshour. (2017, April 29). Looking back at LA riots after beating of Rodney King [Video File]. Retrieved  from

Martin Luther King Jr

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