Human Impact on Local Ecosystems
Land Pollution


Anderson, P. (2015, September 10). Soil and soil dynamics [Video File]. Bozeman Science

Pollution: Land

 TWIG. (n.d.). Pollution: Land [Video file]. Retrieved from


What is a Food Chain?

 TWIG. (n.d.). What is a food chain? [Video file]. Retrieved from



 TWIG. (n.d.). Deforestation [Video file]. Retrieved from


Land Pollution

"Land pollution, the deposition of solid or liquid waste materials on land or underground in a manner that can contaminate the soil and groundwater, threaten public health, and cause unsightly conditions and nuisances." (Britannica, 2016)


Endangered Species

 TWIG. (n.d.). Endangered species [Video file]. Retrieved from


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