The Good Life

Epicurus - Guide Happiness

Spookybuk. (2012, May 23). 02 - Epicurus on happiness - philosophy: a guide to happiness [Video File]. Retrieved from

Plato - The Ring of Gygges

Janux. (2014, July 28). Law and justice - Plato’s republic - 7.6 Ring of Gyges [Video File]. Retrieved from

Aristotle - Virtue Theory

CrashCourse. (2016, December 5).Aristotle & virtue theory: crash course philosophy #38  [Video File]. Retrieved from

Wireless Philosophy. (2015, September 8). Philosophy – the goof life: Aristotle  [Video File]. Retrieved from

Seneca - Stoicism

The Rugged Pyrrhus. (2014, December 15). Seneca: letter 66 - on various aspects of virtue [Video File]. Retrieved from

Marcus Aurelius - Stoicism


lill c.-foreground: Big C.-background:. (2018, July 4). Marcus Aurelius Best Lecture on Stoicism EVER! full Virtual University lesson 5897dMWJiSM [Video File]. Retrieved from

Modern Stoicism. (2013, July 19). Insights from Marcus Aurelius’ ‘Meditations’ [Video File]. Retrieved from

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