Senior Library Books
Resource Key
brief, basic information laid out in an easy-to-read format. May use informal language. (Includes most news articles)
provides additional background information and further reading. Introduces some subject-specific language.
lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses technical/subject-specific language. (Includes most analytical articles)
- Britannica Schools This link opens in a new window Britannica School covers the core subject areas of English, Maths, Science and History. Interactive lessons, activities, games, stories, worksheets, manipulatives, study guides and research tools.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new window Scholarly resources on JSTOR include Archival and Current Journals, Books, and Primary Sources.
- World Book Encyclopedia This link opens in a new windowOnline version of the complete reference work along with dictionary, atlas, links, magazines, historical documents, audio, video, images, and 3D photograph
Welcome to the Non-Verbal Communication LibGuide. This guide has been created to assist Year 11 students with their task 'to develop an awareness documentary to educate adolescents about the effects and power of Non-Verbal Communication'.
Body Language
Cuddy, A. (June, 2012). Your body language shapes who you are. [Video file]. Retrieved from
- Alleydog. (n.d.). Non-verbal communication. Retrieved from Communication refers to the process by which we communicate via wordless cues. This includes things like how we dress, our facial expressions, posture, gestures, rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice.
- Cherry, K. (2016, June 9). Types of nonverbal communication. Retrieved from to experts, a substantial portion of our communication is nonverbal. Every day, we respond to thousands on nonverbal cues and behaviors including postures, facial expression, eye gaze, gestures and tone of voice. From our handshakes to our hairstyles, nonverbal details reveal who we are and impact how we relate to other people.
Communication Across the Globe
- Government of Canada. (2014, November 13). Cultural information Australia. Retrieved from site asks the reader to choose a country and find the answer to the question "What do I need to know about verbal and non-verbal communications?"
Search Strategies
Add keywords related to the topic; e.g. psychology, nonverbal communication, culture.
Use AND/OR/NOT between keywords; e.g. psychology and nonverbal communication not depression.
Use quotations around terms for exact searches e.g. “social psychology” and “nonverbal communication”
Use a wildcard* for word variants e.g. non*verbal = non verbal, non-verbal and nonverbal.
Use wildcard for words that can be spelt differently e.g. colo*r = color and colour