Chemistry: Fuels, Metals or Pharmaceuticals

Fossil Fuels

Anderson, P. (2015, December 7). Fossil fuels [Video File]. Bozeman Science


FactPack: Hydrocarbons

 TWIG. (n.d.). FactPack: Hydrocarbons [Video file]. Retrieved from

NB: Video requires Google Chrome or Safari to view.

Leaded and Unleaded Petrol

 TWIG. (n.d.). Leaded and Unleaded Petrol  [Video file]. Retrieved from

NB: Video requires Google Chrome or Safari to view.


Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas Exploration and Production


Refining Process

Hybrid Energy

South Australia Blackout

Chemistry: Fuel

"The world’s reserves of fossil fuels (e.g., oil, natural gas, and coal) will eventually be exhausted, some as soon as the 21st century, and new chemical processes and materials will provide a crucial alternative energy source." (Britannica, 2016).

Vanadium vs Lithium


Renewable Industries



Anderson, P. (2013, September 29). Electrochemistry [Video File]. Bozeman Science


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