Learning Area
Approaches to Learning - Tools
Surviving Exams

Exam Hacks by Dr Jane Genovese

Exam Preparation


  1. Decide how many hours of study/preparation you are willing to put in for your assessment.
  2. Divide the number of hours of study/preparation by the number of study sessions that you want.
  3. Review any feedback you have received from your teacher regarding assessment preparation.
  4. Review your own personal reflections on previous assessments (see self-assessment template below).
  5. Fill out a study timetable for the time leading up to the assessment.
  6. Create an effective page of notes incorporating relevant examples and annotations regarding areas of difficulty.
  7. Attempt and mark practice papers under test conditions and use difficulties from these to guide further revision (

Performance Analysis and Reflection


  1. My Preparation out of 10 was a _____
  2. The revision material provided to me: _____
  3. I completed _____ out of _____ pieces of this revision material.
  4. I will improve my revision by _____
  5. I finished the test with approximately _____ minutes remaining.
  6. My strengths within the test were _____
  7. My weaknesses within the test were _____


Scott Duncan