Bulk loans in Year 8 classrooms
Two trolleys of Non-Fiction books will be in Year 8 classrooms as of the start of Week 8 Term 1. Please borrow and return to those trolleys.
Books in these trolleys, include those borrowed from PLC and Scotch Senior School Libraries, so no need to ask for an inter-library loan.
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- MS Library Catalogue for searchingThis is your new library catalogue; called Oliver.
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Middle School Library Books in classroom trolleys
- A volcano erupts byCall Number: 551.2 BULISBN: 9780750211864Publication Date: 1994When a volcano erupts, heat escapes from deep within the Earth. Rocks melt down into boiling lava, which rises upend bursts out of the volcano as ash, smoke and lava. Lava flows down the sides of the volcano wiping out anything or anyone in its path.
- Volcanoes and earthquakes byCall Number: 551.2 KNAISBN: 9781862143265Publication Date: 2003Volcanoes and Earthquakes focuses on the causes and results of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
- Volcano Alert! byCall Number: 551.21 CHAISBN: 9780778716280Publication Date: 2011This informative book has been newly revised in light of the massive eruption in Iceland in March 2010. The skies over a large part of the world were filled with volcanic ash, affecting weather and agriculture and disrupting travel for millions of people for several weeks.
- Volcanoes byCall Number: 551.21 DINISBN: 60040422364Publication Date: 2005This series of books looks at the history of natural disasters and their effects on mankind and the environment. Dramatic pictures of volcanoes illustrate this book which explains all aspects of volcanic eruptions.
- Volcanoes byCall Number: 551.21 MAYISBN: 9780431182346Publication Date: 2007Through stunning photographs and simple text, the books in this series introduce landforms and their characteristics. In this book, children learn about the features of volcanoes, where volcanoes are found, and what makes volcanoes unique.
- Vibrating Volcanoes byCall Number: 551.21 RICISBN: 9780732965563Publication Date: 2001Part of a series that presents topics on natural disasters. This title gives the topic a global view. Meant for middle-upper primary, it features photographs of the disasters.
- Volcanoes byCall Number: 551.21 SHOISBN: 9780749692605Publication Date: 2007Each book presents three well-known and documented disasters in cartoon-strip format, supported by facts, diagrams and further information about our planet's destructive forces.
- Inside Volcanoes byCall Number: 551.21 STEISBN: 9780836872507Publication Date: 2006Hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis have dominated news headlines during the past year, making natural disasters a subject of particular interest to young readers.
- Volcano byCall Number: 551.21ROOISBN: 9781405308618Publication Date: 2006Active volcanoes Volcanic ash Earth formation Earthquakes Eruptions Gases Volcanic islands Lava Magma Oceanic plates Ring of Fire Supervolcanoes Tsunamis