1. Topic Selection
Below is a list of well-known volcanoes:
- Mt Fuji (Japan)
- Sakurajima (Japan)
- Mt Merapi (Indonesia)
- Mt. Etna (Italy)
- Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
- Popocatepetl, Mexico
- Mt. St Helens (USA)
- Pululahua (Ecuador)
- Kawah Ijen (Indonesia)
Other volcanoes can be found in the links below.
- Volcanoes by Country. (2016). Oregon State University. Retrieved 15 March, 2016, from http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/volcanoes_by_countryA list of volcanoes per country can be found at this link.
- Top 10 Famous Volcanoes. (2016). Time. Retrieved 15 March, 2016, from http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2014572,00.htmlAfter 400 years of dormancy, Indonesia's Mount Sinabung has woken up from its slumber with an eruption that has already displaced 30,000 people. TIME takes a look at other well-known volcanoes and the destruction they caused.
- World Heritage Listed Volcano sitesAccording to the World Heritage Convention, "natural heritage" designates outstanding physical, biological, and geological features; habitats of threatened plants or animal species and areas of value on scientific or aesthetic grounds or from the point of view of conservation.
2. Databases
There are two great online encyclopedias you can use for your research!
Both are easy to use and look how they do their headings and sub-headings!
3. Websites
Locate the government website(s) for your community or volcano by entering it's name and 'gov'. Be aware that not all communities will have a government website.
Locate any other reliable websites by entering your community or volcano into a search engine. Remember to assess the accuracy, authority, currency, bias, relevance and audience of the website. This video link will show you how to do this.